Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nerf N-Strike Clear Deploy CS-6 and Clear Nite Finder EX-3 Released at Nerf Mission Zone 2010 Singapore!

The Nite Finder and The Deploy have been re-released in special Clear editions at the Mission Zone 2010 at Singapore.

Friday, June 25, 2010

3 new nerf guns coming soon!

Nerf has released new information about 3 new N-Strike guns.

1. Spectre REV-5

The Spectre is a strange gun. Nerf has stated that this gun is a cross between the Maverick and the Recon. It features a five dart rotating barrel, an expandable stock and a removable barrel.

All I know about this gun is that it will be available in America in October, It will be exclusive to Wallmart, and it looks totally awesome.

No details for Australia, but will post news when it comes.

Spectre REV-5 Box

2. Barrel break IX-2

I'm really looking forward to Nerf FINALLY releasing a Shotgun model. The Barrel Break is Double Barrel  shotgun blaster. It shoots two darts at a time, and has a special tactical rail accessory that allows you to store 8 extra darts.

Judging from the box art, it looks like the barrel break has a special way of loading. I think that you will have to flip the barrel/s down to load the darts in.

All I know about this gun is that it will be released in America in August and it will be exclusive to Toys R Us.

Barrel Break IX-2 Box

3. Alpha Trooper CS-18

The Son of The Raider is finally coming in August. The Alpha Trooper has all the potential to be just as successful as the Raider, or even better.

The Alpha trooper has all the features of the Raider. It features a Slam Fire handle, an 18 dart drum mag and the ability to add a stock (but sadly doesn't come with one).

All I know about this gun  is that is a Target exclusive, it will be released in America in august and I am so getting one!

We all knew that Nerf would one day release a gun as great as the Raider, but, in my opinion, could easily claim the title of Best Nerf Gun! : )

Alpha Trooper CS-18 Box

I am so exited about these!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Nerf Maverick REV-6 - Review!

You're not a true Nerfer until you've got yourself a maverick.

The Maverick is the basic weapon of all nerf collections. It features a 6-dart semi-auto rotating barrel. The barrel has the ability to flip out of the side of the gun for easy loading, functioning by a button on the side. It has a tactical rail which is located on top of the pull-back mechanism. It is packaged with 6 suction darts.

This is a really good gun, actually, this is a GREAT gun. And the good thing is, these are available anywhere. And it seems that everytime you go to the nerf isle, they seem to have like a 100 Mavericks!

With a range of about 25-30 ft (up to 45 if held on an angle), this gun is a brilliant side-arm and can shoot off 6 darts as dfast as you can load and pull the trigger!

Photo credits go to

Box (front)

Comparison with Nerf Nite Finder EX-3

Nerf Tactical Vest Kit - Preivew!

Amazon has just updated their Nerf Tactical Vest Kit page with new photos (below).

Im really exited about this. Its like NERF wants to give a SWAT Team theme to our backyard Nerf wars

The new clear clips look really exiting, and would look awesome with the new clear blasters.

The vest looks like it can hold 4 clips, 12 streamlines (you could use screamers or suction darts instead), And a zip pocket  that can hold tiny blasters like the secret shot or an eliminator. And it also looks like you can hold and N-Force sword in the back. But thats all I can tell from the front.

It also has a holster that you can store your maverick in!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


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